Circulation Epoch
When the final LT Epoch day ends, the Circulation Epoch begins. At this point, no further token reservations can be made.
Reserved WISE and referrer bonus WISE may now be minted by users, at their leisure. Users may begin staking WISE. 90% or more of all ETH sent into the LT and a matching batch of WISE is automatically sent to Uniswap, so users may begin trading WISE and ETH there. All standard ERC-20 functions involving minted tokens are also now available. At the start of the fifteenth day of the Circulation Epoch, there will be a one-time automatic share price increase of 10%.
Once the LT Epoch has ended, there is a public function in the contract that may be called by anyone to trigger the following one-time sequence of actions to start the Circulation Epoch:
Calculate the total ETH sent into the LT. Set aside 10% or 2,000 ETH, whichever is less, for theWise team reimbursement performed in Step 4 below. T he remaining 90% (or more) of this ETH is the “Uniswap Provision Ether”.
Calculate the total WISE that is available to be minted due to token reservations and referrer bonuses. Calculate the same fraction of this WISE (90% or more) that was used to determine the Uniswap Provision Ether in Step 1 above. Immediately mint this amount of new WISE. This is the “Uniswap Provision WISE”.
Transfer the “Uniswap Provision Ether” and “Uniswap Provision WISE” to the WISE/ETH Uniswap exchange pair contract, forming its initial liquidity pool. As part of this transfer, the WISE contract receives back from the Uniswap contract an amount of UNI-V2 liquidity tokens and immediately burns these by transferring them to a known burn address.
Transfer the 10% (or less) of LT ETH set aside in Step 1 to the Wise team's ethereum address.
Last updated
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